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Showing posts from December, 2023

How To Create An Xml Based Menu?

I'm trying to create a menu from an xml file, via jquery. I need to run the script for this, o… Read more How To Create An Xml Based Menu?

Text Shining Effect Not Working Properly How Can I Fix This

I want to add a shine effect over the given text so I have this: As you see it doesn't work co… Read more Text Shining Effect Not Working Properly How Can I Fix This

Php Receives Empty $_post Variables From Ajax Call

I am trying to send form data to a PHP script by using an AJAX call. I'm serializing the form d… Read more Php Receives Empty $_post Variables From Ajax Call

Moving Character On Canvas But Not On The Screen

I am making a 2d game in JavaScript but my character can only move around the length of the screen … Read more Moving Character On Canvas But Not On The Screen

Javascript Getting Width Of Browser And Width Of Element

So I am not a coder but I need to center a fixed . I tried adding left:auto right:auto in my css i… Read more Javascript Getting Width Of Browser And Width Of Element

Js Regex Result Expression Assignment Issue

I have a js string, for example: 'h' + 'e' + 'l' + 'l' + 'o'… Read more Js Regex Result Expression Assignment Issue

Handling Clonenode On The Server

I need that when I click on the 'add' button a certain div should be cloned. To achieve thi… Read more Handling Clonenode On The Server

How Can A Map An Asynchronous Function Over A List?

Obviously, given a list l and an function f that returns a promise, I could do this: Promise.all(l.… Read more How Can A Map An Asynchronous Function Over A List?

How To Skip To Next Next Describe On Error In Mocha?

I have a bunch of describes that test different parts of an API. In one section, all the tests are … Read more How To Skip To Next Next Describe On Error In Mocha?

Requirejs And Three.js Orbit Controls

I am using THREEjs r83 in a requirejs build. No matter what I do, the OrbitControl is loading &… Read more Requirejs And Three.js Orbit Controls

Element Coordinates In Pure Javascript

Say that I have an element inside a div (or any other containing element, or perhaps just in the bo… Read more Element Coordinates In Pure Javascript

How Can I Create Conditional Row Classes Using Handlebars.js?

I Have a layout which is effectively structured as below content content content Solution 1: You c… Read more How Can I Create Conditional Row Classes Using Handlebars.js?

Mean Angular Ui-router Doesn't Load States

I am building a website using meanstack. However, it failed to load any state I defined in app.js. … Read more Mean Angular Ui-router Doesn't Load States

Html5 Cut Out Circle From Previous Drawn Strokes

How can you cut out a circle on a previous drawn canvas in html5? I tried filling it transparent, a… Read more Html5 Cut Out Circle From Previous Drawn Strokes

Find Nearest Pins On Google Map

I have been using the javascript Google Maps API to construct the following map: http://springhillf… Read more Find Nearest Pins On Google Map

Detect Youtube Video Events With Chrome Extension Content Script

I'm writing a Chrome extension and I want to detect when a video starts/ends while a user is on… Read more Detect Youtube Video Events With Chrome Extension Content Script

Reaction Commerce: Typeerror: Require(...).__secret_internals_do_not_use_or_you_will_be_fired Is Undefined

Upgrading Reaction Commerce from 1.4.x to 1.5.x with rc run I'm getting this error in Firefox: … Read more Reaction Commerce: Typeerror: Require(...).__secret_internals_do_not_use_or_you_will_be_fired Is Undefined

Selecting An Option By Its Text

I'm developing a web page using django and I want to add some javascript to a form using jQuery… Read more Selecting An Option By Its Text

Accesing `this` Value When The Prototype Contains An Object?

I have a class like this: function Foo() { this._current = -1; } Foo.prototype.history = {}; … Read more Accesing `this` Value When The Prototype Contains An Object?

Filter Html Table By Color

I have a PHP script that is rendering an HTML table. I'm using Javascript to filter and sort th… Read more Filter Html Table By Color

Get The Id Of A The Item That Is Clicked

I have this html code: FOO FOO2 FOO3 And Solution 1: I'm assuming from your sample code that… Read more Get The Id Of A The Item That Is Clicked

How Do I Perform A Javascript Match With A Pattern That Depends On A Variable?

The current implementation of Remy Sharp's jQuery tag suggestion plugin only checks for matches… Read more How Do I Perform A Javascript Match With A Pattern That Depends On A Variable?

How To Insert Google Maps Through A While Loop?

I want to insert a google map in a div(html) which generates through a while loop. Google map gets … Read more How To Insert Google Maps Through A While Loop?

Backbone View Access Methods Variables

May be a simple questions... How do I access variables in backbone.js view? initialize: function() … Read more Backbone View Access Methods Variables

How To Make Slackbot Reply If The Message Starts Only With A Tag

so I'm finishing programming a cool slackbot with Nodejs. But i would like the bot to answer on… Read more How To Make Slackbot Reply If The Message Starts Only With A Tag

Firebug Console Not Doing Hoisting

console.log(a()); function a(){ console.log('hello'); } From above code, i will expect… Read more Firebug Console Not Doing Hoisting

Send User Input From Nodejs To Shell Script

I have this NodeJS script: var util = require('util'), process = require('child_proce… Read more Send User Input From Nodejs To Shell Script

Intel Xdk Not Work On Android

new in Intel-XDK .... build small app using camera and cache objects app worked at Emulator ... bu… Read more Intel Xdk Not Work On Android

Which Browsers Support Multi-line Strings?

Which browsers support multi-line strings? 'foo \ bar' As usual, my main suspect for not s… Read more Which Browsers Support Multi-line Strings?

Jquery Ui Datetimepicker Option Slideraccess Not Showing Buttons

i'm using the datetime picker plugin, when i use the option to show +- buttons next to the sli… Read more Jquery Ui Datetimepicker Option Slideraccess Not Showing Buttons

Math.ceil Not Working With Negative Floats

I am trying to create a RoundUp function with help of Math.ceil it working fine with positive numbe… Read more Math.ceil Not Working With Negative Floats

Uncaught Failed To Get Parent Origin From Url Hash

I am trying to setup google sign in for my web app. Currently, it is In the development state and r… Read more Uncaught Failed To Get Parent Origin From Url Hash

How To Use A Variable In Html Code Using Backtick In Javascript?

I have a variable there is define few value with using JavaScript backtick. How can I use another v… Read more How To Use A Variable In Html Code Using Backtick In Javascript?

Passing Html Values Into Javascript Functions

I was making a javascript function in which I need to confirm the input. I wrote the following code… Read more Passing Html Values Into Javascript Functions

Function Error With My Solidity Map(int,string) While Using Javascript To Return Values To Html.

I can't get my labels to update with a JavaScript function call to my Solidity smart contract f… Read more Function Error With My Solidity Map(int,string) While Using Javascript To Return Values To Html.

Firebase, Angularfire Error: Module Firebase Is Not Available

I am trying to setup firebase, angularfire for my Yeoman, AngularJS Application. I followed this tu… Read more Firebase, Angularfire Error: Module Firebase Is Not Available

Button With Ng-disabled Always Enabled

I'm trying to conditionally enable/disable my Save button using ng-disabled: Copy The double cu… Read more Button With Ng-disabled Always Enabled

Checking Network Status On Ionic Application

I have written the following service which attempts to check for the connectivity of an application… Read more Checking Network Status On Ionic Application

How To Set Modal Scroll To Top When It Appears In React.js

I made a modal windows using react-bootstrap-sweetalert lib. It contains long list of contents, so … Read more How To Set Modal Scroll To Top When It Appears In React.js

Getting "typeerror: Failed To Fetch" When The Request Hasn't Actually Failed

I'm using fetch API within my React app. The application was deployed on a server and was worki… Read more Getting "typeerror: Failed To Fetch" When The Request Hasn't Actually Failed

Adding Html To Jquery Isotope Additems/insertitems

I wish to add html to this function, I have this so far which is basically a grid of thumbnail imag… Read more Adding Html To Jquery Isotope Additems/insertitems

Limiting Number Value In An Input Tag With Javascript

I am creating a form and i want the input tag to accept numbers only and i also want to limit the n… Read more Limiting Number Value In An Input Tag With Javascript

Extract Part Of A Text With Selenium Ide And Put It Into Variable

Could somebody tell me which command should I use to extract only the number(694575) from the text … Read more Extract Part Of A Text With Selenium Ide And Put It Into Variable

How To Execute Store.unsubscribe From Useeffect Using React Hooks And Redux

I have a React stateless component using redux and hooks. I need to display the number of items on … Read more How To Execute Store.unsubscribe From Useeffect Using React Hooks And Redux

Binding Different This Scope To Es6 => Function Operator

After experimenting with inheriting contexts with the => feature that ES6 gives us I noticed tha… Read more Binding Different This Scope To Es6 => Function Operator

Frontend Handling: Files/csv With Rails Api

I have a Rails API endpoint which sends a csv file on API request: def download_csv headers = … Read more Frontend Handling: Files/csv With Rails Api

Replacing Choose File With Font Awesome Icon Makes Cloned Image Preview Inoperable

Apparently, I can’t figure out how to bind font awesome element to the cloned form. I tried everyt… Read more Replacing Choose File With Font Awesome Icon Makes Cloned Image Preview Inoperable

How Can I Prevent Vuex From Interfering With My Class Instance?

I am trying to store an instance of a class in Vuex (the EditorState from ProseMirror). This class … Read more How Can I Prevent Vuex From Interfering With My Class Instance?

How To Load Conditionally Templateurl Html File In Angular 5 Component

There is one scenario in my project, Consider, I have one testDynamic component @Component({ te… Read more How To Load Conditionally Templateurl Html File In Angular 5 Component

Setting The Base Tag Of A Dynamically Created Iframe

I'm trying to dynamically create an iframe and set it's base tag before it is created. ifrm… Read more Setting The Base Tag Of A Dynamically Created Iframe

Camera Position Changes In `three.orbitcontrols` In Three.js

The THREE.OrbitControls working fine when loaded with the initial camera position, but when the cam… Read more Camera Position Changes In `three.orbitcontrols` In Three.js

Apply Values Of Inputs To All Its Td Innerhtml

is it possible to change the innerhtml of all the td when it has the input inside, i mean to take t… Read more Apply Values Of Inputs To All Its Td Innerhtml

Ionic/angular Leaflet Directive - Zoom In/out Buttons Do Not Work

I have some problems with default zoom in/out buttons on leaflet map. Everything works fine when I … Read more Ionic/angular Leaflet Directive - Zoom In/out Buttons Do Not Work

How To Process Fetch Response From An 'opaque' Type?

I'm trying to correctly interpret the response from a fetch call to an URL, that I think is a j… Read more How To Process Fetch Response From An 'opaque' Type?

Using Javascript History.back() Fails In Safari .. How Do I Make It Cross-browser?

I am using Back to provide a back to previous page link. It works fine on Windows (IE/Mozilla) b… Read more Using Javascript History.back() Fails In Safari .. How Do I Make It Cross-browser?

Spreading Promises In Protractor

q library has this neat feature to resolve and spread multiple promises into separate arguments: I… Read more Spreading Promises In Protractor

Data Not Defined In Link Function After $http Request In Angular

I have the following code. controller.js angular.module('LiveAPP.main',['LiveAPP.factor… Read more Data Not Defined In Link Function After $http Request In Angular

Cloud Functions For Firebase: Functions.pubsub.topic('testtopic').onpublish Not Called

I've copied this code snippet from the official documentation of cloud functions: exports.hello… Read more Cloud Functions For Firebase: Functions.pubsub.topic('testtopic').onpublish Not Called

Loading Html Video With Jquery

So what I am trying to to is load different video based on the screen size of the device. Here is m… Read more Loading Html Video With Jquery

Get Value Of Checkbox In Dojo, With On() Method

Using dojo 1.9, I'm trying to access the value of a checkbox not like in the example in the doc… Read more Get Value Of Checkbox In Dojo, With On() Method