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Firebase, Angularfire Error: Module Firebase Is Not Available

I am trying to setup firebase, angularfire for my Yeoman, AngularJS Application. I followed this tutorial here ( but I keep ge

Solution 1:

I had this issue and found that loading firebase, then angular, then angularfire worked fine. Like this


Solution 2:

You need to inject the firebase module in your app as dependency injection

Somewhere in your code, you have this,

varmyApp= angular.module("myApp",[]);

It should be

varmyApp= angular.module("myApp",['firebase']);

Solution 3:

This was happening to me as well.

  • I had added the angularfire dependency (bower install angularfire)

  • I had added 'firebase' into the array of dependencies when creating the module.

However, I was still getting the error "Module 'firebase' is not available".

The key was that I forgot the "--save". When I went back to my command line and ran this:

bower install angularfire --save

then it worked!

Solution 4:

In order to use AngularFire in a project, include the following script tags:

<!-- AngularJS --><scriptsrc=""></script><!-- Firebase --><scriptsrc=""></script><!-- AngularFire --><scriptsrc=""></script>

the complete tutorial:

Solution 5:

i had the same issue using node 6.10 and from the information on Uncaught ReferenceError: Firebase is not defined i tried what was suggested as follows


it however did not work. so what i did was to install firebase and angularfire as follows using angular-cli

npm install firebase --save
npm install angularfire --save

inside of your AppComponent file you can define the class as follows

exportclassAppComponent {

  constructor() {
    // Initialize Firebasevar config = {
      apiKey: "...",
      authDomain: "...",
      databaseURL: "...",
      projectId: "...",
      storageBucket: "...",
      messagingSenderId: "..."
    // firebase.initializeApp(config);initializeApp(config);

    // var root = firebase.database().ref();var firebaseRec= database().ref();



this will solve your issue with the reference to firebase being undefined

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