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Spreading Promises In Protractor

q library has this neat feature to resolve and spread multiple promises into separate arguments: If you have a promise for an array, you can use spread as a replacement for then

Solution 1:

It may come a bit ugly to use, but you can define an independent helper function, which can be passed to then() as a parameter and have a callback, which is usually passed to then() to be passed to it. This function will then convert array value to function arguments:

]).then(spread(function (currentElementID, activeElementID) {
    // ---^^^----- use helper function to spread args
    jasmine.matchersUtil.equals(currentElementID, activeElementID);

// helper function gets a callbackfunctionspread(callback) {
    // and returns a new function which will be used by `then()`returnfunction (array) {
        // with a result of calling callback via apply to spread array valuesreturn callback.apply(null, array);

You can still chain it with another then() and provide rejection callbacks; it keeps all the behavior of Protractor promises the same, but just converts array of values to arguments.

Drawbacks are that it is does not have a perfect look like in your example (not .all().spread() but .all().then(spread()) ) and you'll probably have to create a module for this helper or define it globally to be able to use it easily in multiple test files.


With ES2015 it is possible to use destructuring assignment along with then():

]).then(function (values) {
    // Destructure values to separate variablesconst [currentElementID, activeElementID] = values; 
    jasmine.matchersUtil.equals(currentElementID, activeElementID);

Solution 2:

TL;DR Apparently, it's not entirely safe to replace protractor.promise with q. For instance, I've got a hanging test run once I've decided to extend ElementArrayFinder:

Old answer:

Here is what I've done to solve it.

I've replaced protractor.promise with q on the fly (not sure if it's actually safe to do):

onPrepare: {
    protractor.promise = require("q");

But, nothing broke so far and now I'm able to use spread() and other syntactic sugar provided by q through protractor.promise:

toBeActive: function() {
    return {
        compare: function(elm) {
            return {
                pass: protractor.promise.all([
                ]).spread(function (currentElementID, activeElementID) {
                    return jasmine.matchersUtil.equals(currentElementID, activeElementID);

Relevant github thread: protractor.promise to use q.

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