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Apply Values Of Inputs To All Its Td Innerhtml

is it possible to change the innerhtml of all the td when it has the input inside, i mean to take the input's value and apply it to it's td innerhtml, for example, here's the table

Solution 1:

That's pretty easy.

Name your table first (to find it easily).

<tableid="the_table"><tr><td><inputvalue="test" /></td></tr></table>

Then you can do this:

$('#the_table td input[type="text"]').each(function() {
  var val = $(this).val();

Live demo.


  1. find all inputs that are within <td> that are in this certain table.

  2. for each input:

    2.1 retrieve value from the input

    2.2 find first parent of the input that is a <td> tag and set its innerHTML to that value

Solution 2:

Yes, you can do it like this:

$('table td:has(:input:only-child)').each(function () {
    $(this).html($(':input', this).val());

It assumes there only is an input in the td. If that is not the case, then remove :only-child.

Explanation of table td:has(:input:only-child)

It says, take any td within a table, which has an input as the only child.

You can test it here:

Update: take the input which is not hidden.

$('table td:has(input[type!="hidden"])').each(function () {
    $(this).html($('input[type!="hidden"]', this).val());

or: take the input which is text.

$('table td:has(input:text)').each(function () {
    $(this).html($('input:text', this).val());

Solution 3:

$.each($('table td'),function(){

    if($(this).children().length !=0)

        var temp = $($(this).children()[0]).val();



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