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Backbone View Access Methods Variables

May be a simple questions... How do I access variables in backbone.js view? initialize: function() { //all init here } render: function() {//all render here } printFoo: function(e

Solution 1:

Short answer, you can't.

Reason: changeVar is a private member of changeFoo.

You could promotechangeVar to become a member of the outer object. In which case, changeVar becomes accessible to initialize, render, printFoo and changeFoo.

    var changeVar = 'foo';
    /*this.changeVar = 'foo'; // this can also be used */this.initialize = function() { //all init here };this.render = function() { //all render here };this.printFoo = function(event) {
       var printVar = changeVar;

    this.changeFoo = function(event) {
      this.changeVar = $(e.currentTarget).attr('id');

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