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Showing posts from October, 2023

Jquery Flexslider Add And Remove Class On Slide Change

I'm using the jquery plugin Flexslider. I'm using the carousel as navigation for the slider… Read more Jquery Flexslider Add And Remove Class On Slide Change

How To Get Return Value To Eclipse Function From Java Script Function Which Get Data From Ajax Request Using Swt Browser?

I have tried below.... I have this in eclipse : I have a button in java which triggers this functio… Read more How To Get Return Value To Eclipse Function From Java Script Function Which Get Data From Ajax Request Using Swt Browser?

Jquery Selector For First Row Of Inline-block Divs

I have some divs with display: inline-block; and I have to select first row of divs and set them fo… Read more Jquery Selector For First Row Of Inline-block Divs

Display Pdf In Phonegap App

How can I display online PDF in My Phonegap App. I am trying iframe but PDF is not display any oth… Read more Display Pdf In Phonegap App

Can I Use Javascript To Set The 'name' Attribute?

According to SitePoint (and my own experiments), the IE implementation of 'setAttribute()' … Read more Can I Use Javascript To Set The 'name' Attribute?

Phonegap Filetransfer Download

I'm new on stackoverflow. it's the first time that I have to use Phonegap and really I have… Read more Phonegap Filetransfer Download

Switch Statement And Scopes In Es2015

Consider this ES2015 module and the behavior when run in node v4.4.5. 'use strict' const o… Read more Switch Statement And Scopes In Es2015

Modifying The X-axis Labels Of A Scatterplot In Chart.js 2

In Chart.js 2 I am generating a scatter-plot where there x coordinates are Epoch timestamps and the… Read more Modifying The X-axis Labels Of A Scatterplot In Chart.js 2

Using Google Channel Api On The Client Side By Embedding Javascript In Java Using Rhino Or Standard Inbuilt Javascript Support?

I am just experimenting about and I want to know whether it will be possible (and if possible how s… Read more Using Google Channel Api On The Client Side By Embedding Javascript In Java Using Rhino Or Standard Inbuilt Javascript Support?

Are There Any Problems With Nesting App-specific Backbone.js Assets Under Common Ones?

I am working on structuring a large application that has several, discrete client-side applications… Read more Are There Any Problems With Nesting App-specific Backbone.js Assets Under Common Ones?

Apollo/graphql: How To Get Nested Elements?

This is an example document of my mongoDB. I need to get the content.en array via Apollo/GraphQL. B… Read more Apollo/graphql: How To Get Nested Elements?

How To Submit Jquery Add Rows Data To Mysql Using Php

So I have this piece of code I've been tinkering with. The Jquery is modified from somewhere el… Read more How To Submit Jquery Add Rows Data To Mysql Using Php

How To Display A Single Data Point On Google Area Or Line Chart

I've tried every configuration possible to get a Google Area Chart to display a single point bu… Read more How To Display A Single Data Point On Google Area Or Line Chart

Typescript Declare Third Party Modules

How could I declare a third party module which looks like this: in third party module: module.expor… Read more Typescript Declare Third Party Modules

How To Check If A String Is An Anchor Tag?

Whats the best way to check if a string is an anchor tag in JS? Some examples: Link //returns true… Read more How To Check If A String Is An Anchor Tag?

Jquery Ui Datepicker Inside A Thickbox

I have the following markup and JS on a web page: It seems to work well.… Read more Jquery Ui Datepicker Inside A Thickbox

Javascript Caesar Cipher Algorithm

Is there anyway to do this function?, because i find it quite difficult to understand, specially th… Read more Javascript Caesar Cipher Algorithm

Conditional Format Html Table Rows With Python

I must conditionally format rows of an html table that is generated with Python. I previously had t… Read more Conditional Format Html Table Rows With Python

Javascript Does Not Load In Initial Page Load

Im having issues with having to load my javascript, when I visit my website (php) for the first tim… Read more Javascript Does Not Load In Initial Page Load

Rxjs: Single Observable From Dynamically Created Observables

I am trying to create an observable (fixedObservable here) which will be fed by multiple dynamicall… Read more Rxjs: Single Observable From Dynamically Created Observables

When To Use Jquery's .find()

When would I use jQuery's .find()? For example, $('tr').find('.someClass'); is … Read more When To Use Jquery's .find()

I Can't Display The Vue-chart.js On The Page

I'm trying to learn how to use vue-chart.js and Chart.js . The problem is that on the Main page… Read more I Can't Display The Vue-chart.js On The Page

Passing Variable From Javascript To Flash

I have a flash music player that I would like to accept a parameter via a button click on a website… Read more Passing Variable From Javascript To Flash

Verification Of User's Existence In Chat Script

When ever user leaves chat page (Either by logging out or just by simple closing the browser window… Read more Verification Of User's Existence In Chat Script

Angular 6 App Zone.js Drainmicrotaskqueue Infinite Loop

I have an angular 6 app that when I run locally on my windows machine works as expected. When I clo… Read more Angular 6 App Zone.js Drainmicrotaskqueue Infinite Loop

Javascript Scroll To Div With Animation

I have a PhoneGap application that when it opens an HTML page, I want it to scroll to a specific e… Read more Javascript Scroll To Div With Animation

I Have A Row From A Html Table In The Form : $(row).text(). How Do I Feed This Into A Input Type="hidden" Element

I have two html tables: stockdataTable which gets its data from a database call. result table which… Read more I Have A Row From A Html Table In The Form : $(row).text(). How Do I Feed This Into A Input Type="hidden" Element

Sum Similar Keys In An Array Of Objects In Javascript

I have an array of objects something like the following: - 0: {Id: 0, count1: 5, count2: 10, yearMo… Read more Sum Similar Keys In An Array Of Objects In Javascript

Can Not Deploy Gulp Application On Heroku. Heroku Local Web Works Though

I am trying to push google web starter kit on Heroku. I perform following steps ➜ dist git:(deploy… Read more Can Not Deploy Gulp Application On Heroku. Heroku Local Web Works Though

Angularjs $http Load Data From Local Disk Issue In Ie9

Angularjs, angular-1.2.0-rc.2 $http.get('gridData.json') .success(function(data, st… Read more Angularjs $http Load Data From Local Disk Issue In Ie9

Node.js ~ Constructing Chained Sequence Of Promise Resolves

Can anyone suggest a better way to structure this use of Promises? I'm newish to Promises and a… Read more Node.js ~ Constructing Chained Sequence Of Promise Resolves

What's The Problem With This Code?

Where to modify this code IT STILL GIVES A MSGBOX IF I SELECT THE CHECKBOX BOX OR NOT .... My code … Read more What's The Problem With This Code?

What Should I Change The Formula In Javascript?

I am developing a speed reading simulation using HTML5 and JS. But, i could not understand client … Read more What Should I Change The Formula In Javascript?

Get Elements By Attribute Value

I am sending a request via webservices in Javascript and the response i am receiving is like this: … Read more Get Elements By Attribute Value

Why Are Not All Images Showing Up In This Slider?

Here is my code Solution 1: Your script will set class="active" to one of the four div… Read more Why Are Not All Images Showing Up In This Slider?

Aws-sdk Putobject Access Denied Request.extracterror

I have the following policy attached to the IAM user I am using. { 'Version': '2012… Read more Aws-sdk Putobject Access Denied Request.extracterror

Signalr Persistent Connection With Query Params.

I have a persistent connection which I would like to start with some seed info using query params. … Read more Signalr Persistent Connection With Query Params.

How Can I Run Front End Javascript Files With Node?

I often times find myself wanting to run simple frontend javascript files with node for testing. ho… Read more How Can I Run Front End Javascript Files With Node?

Text Selection Flickers

How can I make text selection smooth for the where divs are laid out in the following format http:/… Read more Text Selection Flickers

Ajax Html Editor Is Not Counting Characters In Master Page Using C#

Without using master page it is working perfectly and When I am using master page it is not working… Read more Ajax Html Editor Is Not Counting Characters In Master Page Using C#

Javascript Delete A Table Tbody Tag

I know I can use the following code to remove rows in vanilla Javascript: But this code leaves an … Read more Javascript Delete A Table Tbody Tag

Jquery Autocomplete Suggestion Box Hidden Behind Bootstrap Nav Bar

I'm using the Bootstrap 4 theme and I've added a jQuery autocomplete search box to it. The… Read more Jquery Autocomplete Suggestion Box Hidden Behind Bootstrap Nav Bar

Kml Invert Country Border

I need invert KML file with Poland country. I need white overlay on other countries, only Poland s… Read more Kml Invert Country Border

Something Happened To My Google Map Api Script

I've been doing mobile part of my project after 'completing' the web part. I'm usin… Read more Something Happened To My Google Map Api Script

Flot Bar Graph Align Bars With X-axis Labels

Hello I am trying to plot a bar chart with 31 days data. However when I plot it, the label for each… Read more Flot Bar Graph Align Bars With X-axis Labels

How To Increment Number By 0.01 In Javascript Using A Loop?

Problem I was trying to build out a list of heights in the console by meteres starting from 1.20m a… Read more How To Increment Number By 0.01 In Javascript Using A Loop?

Can I Hide All Posts From Tumblr's Main Blog While Keeping Them Unhidden From Their Routed Pages?

I'm trying to figure out how I can keep my all of my posts off of my homepage without hiding th… Read more Can I Hide All Posts From Tumblr's Main Blog While Keeping Them Unhidden From Their Routed Pages?

Meteor Js Iron Router, Route Sub Directory

I am working on a admin and client portal in Meteor JS using Iron:Router. I know i can create a rou… Read more Meteor Js Iron Router, Route Sub Directory

Pass The Same Options To A Jquery Function Over And Over

I use this jQuery Ajax-Request, which I configured for my needs: jQuery.ajax({ url: 'apiBri… Read more Pass The Same Options To A Jquery Function Over And Over

Svg + Sprite Sheet + D3 + Clippath + Position + Size

Need to apologize in advance: for length and for my ignorance. I'm trying to teach myself new c… Read more Svg + Sprite Sheet + D3 + Clippath + Position + Size

How To Checked Multiple Checkbox In React.js?

I am using react antd . I have got array of objects that's groupKey .I am mapping checkbox by u… Read more How To Checked Multiple Checkbox In React.js?

Adapt Code Inside Dokuwiki Spoilers Style?

To change selector so it only show/hides when i click the image i put spoiler/ popdown menu directl… Read more Adapt Code Inside Dokuwiki Spoilers Style?

Retrieve Javascript Comments In Javascript, Or, How Do I Parse Js In Js?

I am looking for a way to access javascript comments from some (other) javascript code. I plan on u… Read more Retrieve Javascript Comments In Javascript, Or, How Do I Parse Js In Js?

Single Post Like Button Animation Is Working But Multiple Post Mean First Post Button Only Working

I have code in like button code with css here single news-feed mean button is working but multiple … Read more Single Post Like Button Animation Is Working But Multiple Post Mean First Post Button Only Working

Puppeteer: Page.evaluate Not Working After Waitfornavigation, Debug Not Working Inside Page.evaluate For Document

I am able to navigate to a page using puppeteer but afterwards the page.evaluate is not returning a… Read more Puppeteer: Page.evaluate Not Working After Waitfornavigation, Debug Not Working Inside Page.evaluate For Document

Javascript Array Extension

Just wonder. I have extended javascript Array object using its prototype as follows: Read more Javascript Array Extension

Change Checkbox Background Color On Checkbox Check And Uncheck

I have a checkbox inside a gridview and I want to change the backcolor of that checkbox on check an… Read more Change Checkbox Background Color On Checkbox Check And Uncheck

D3js > Lazy Load Data Ondemand

I'm currently using Rob's d3js 'collapsible tree' to render data relationships (so … Read more D3js > Lazy Load Data Ondemand

Hierarchies Graphs In Google Charts

How can I build something like this (with subcategories on the one of the axis) Solution 1: althou… Read more Hierarchies Graphs In Google Charts

Reading Server Side File With Javascript

Does anyone know of a tutorial on how to read data from a server side file with JS? I cant seem to … Read more Reading Server Side File With Javascript Radiobuttonlist Onclientclick

I've noticed there is no OnClientClick() property for the radiobuttonlist in the ASP.NET contro… Read more Radiobuttonlist Onclientclick