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Puppeteer: Page.evaluate Not Working After Waitfornavigation, Debug Not Working Inside Page.evaluate For Document

I am able to navigate to a page using puppeteer but afterwards the page.evaluate is not returning any response. Further, I am unable to debug inside the page.evaluate either. I run

Solution 1:

Selecting a city does not cause the URL to change, which is what page.waitForNavigation() waits for.

This resolves when the page navigates to a new URL or reloads.

It never happens, so your code does not continue.

You might be looking for page.waitForSelector() instead:

// ...await'#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddl_District', '020');
  await page.waitForSelector('tbody tr');
  let beds = await page.evaluate(() => {
    let dataRows = document.body.querySelectorAll('tbody tr');
    return [...dataRows].map(row => row.querySelector('h5').textContent);
  await browser.close();

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