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I Have A Row From A Html Table In The Form : $(row).text(). How Do I Feed This Into A Input Type="hidden" Element

I have two html tables: stockdataTable which gets its data from a database call. result table which is empty initially and dynamically has rows appended to it when a user clicks a

Solution 1:

Check this out:

var row

    $(document).ready(function () {

        $('#stockdataTable tr').click(function (event) {
            row = $(this).clone();
            $("#resultTable").on("append", "tr", function () {
                alert($(this) + " was added");
            }, function () {
                alert($(this) + " was removed");
            $(row).click(function (event) {
                var row = $(this).text().replace(/ /g,''); // replace whitespaces
                reg(row); // call to reg function

    functionreg(text) {

You need to declare a function with arguments, and then call it when you need. I change $('#tradeDetail').val(text) because you miss #. Note that $(this).remove() is moved after reading his properties, otherwise you can't get the text if it's removed.

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