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Angular 5 View Not Updating After Timeout

I'm setting a timeout to hide an element after a while in Angular 5: this.showElement = true; setTimeout(function () { console.log('hide'); this.showElement = false; }, 2000);

Solution 1:

I think the setTimeout callback lose a scope to the "showElement" variable.

this.showElement = true; // this - is in component object contextsetTimeout(function () {
   this.showElement = false; // here... this has different context
}, 2000);

You should use arrow function:

this.showElement = true;
setTimeout(() => {
  this.showElement = false;
}, 2000);

Or use bind:

this.showElement = true;
setTimeout(function() {
  this.showElement = false;
}.bind(this), 2000);

to pass proper context to the setTimeout callback function.

Solution 2:

In your constructor, add a change detector:

constructor(private cd: ChangeDetectorRef) {}

And then in your setTimeout:

setTimeout(() => {
  this.showElement = false;;
}, 2000);

Solution 3:

Updated: Corrected answer.

As the others has correctly answered, the reason why the changes are not being reflected is because of the incorrect reference to the this reference.

Note that when using the function() { ... } notation, the reference to this is the context of the function itself. So

myFunction() {
    this.showElement = true;
    setTimeout(function() {
      console.log(this.showElement); // Will result in undefined;this.showElement = false; // Here, this, reference to context of the function wrapper
    }, 2000);

Changing the above to ES6 arrow notation, changes the context of the this reference to the parent context. So

myFunction() {
    this.showElement = true;
    setTimeout(() => {
      console.log(this.showElement); // Will result in true;this.showElement = false; // Here, value is updated
    }, 2000);

Read more about the lexical thishere.

Solution 4:

when you use function style "this" reference is not working do it like following and your example will work correctly

this.showElement = true;
setTimeout(() => {
    this.showElement = false;
}, 2000);

Solution 5:

I faced the same problem in my Angular 7 app. I had to change the source of title and icon in button:

<buttonclass="btn btn--outline-red text-uppercase font-weight-normal product-action-btn mt-3"
              <imgstyle="width:15px; height:15px;" [src]="addToCartProps.src"></button>


  addToCartProps = { title: 'Add to Cart', src: '' }

  addToCart() {

    this.addToCartProps.title = 'Adding';
    this.addToCartProps.src = 'assets/images/preloader-white.svg';

    setTimeout(() => {
      this.addToCartProps.title = 'Added';
      this.addToCartProps.src = 'assets/images/checked-icon-white.svg';;
      console.log('timeout 1 ', this.addToCartProps);
    }, 1000);

    setTimeout(() => {
      this.addToCartProps.title = 'Add to cart';
      this.addToCartProps.src = '';;
      console.log('timeout 2 ', this.addToCartProps);
    }, 1500);


Adding in timeout function solved the problem in my case.

Earlier this was also commented by @artemisian in Angular2, view not updating after variable changes in settimeout

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