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Remove Unnecessary Attributes From Html Tag Using Javascript Regex

I'm newbie to regular expressions, trying to filter the HTML tags keeping only required (src / href / style) attribute with their values and remove unnecessary attributes. While go

Solution 1:

@AhmadAhsan here is demo to fix your issue using DOM manipulation:

<scriptsrc=""></script><script>var whitelist = ["src", "href", "style"];
        $( document ).ready(function() {
            functionfoo(contents) {
            var temp = document.createElement('div');
            var html = $.parseHTML(contents);
            temp = $(temp).html(contents);

            $(temp).find('*').each(function (j) {
                var attributes = this.attributes;
                var i = attributes.length;
                while( i-- ) {
                    var attr = attributes[i];
                    if( $.inArray(,whitelist) == -1 )
            return $(temp).html();
        var raw = '<title>Hello World</title><div style="margin:0px;" fadeout"="" class="xyz"><img src="abc.jpg" alt="" /><p style="margin-bottom:10px;">The event is celebrating its 50th anniversary K&ouml;&nbsp;<a href="" style="margin:0px;">exhibition grounds in Cologne</a>.</p><p style="padding:0px;"></p><p style="color:black;"><strong>A festival for art lovers</strong></p></div>'alert(foo(raw));

Solution 2:

Here you go, based on your original regex:


Group 1 is the tag name, group 2 are the attributes, and group 3 is the / if there is one. I couldn't get it to work with non-allowed attributes interleaved with allowed attributes e.g. <a href="foo" class="bar" src="baz" />. I don't think it can be done.

Edit: Per @AhmadAhsan's corrections below the regex should be:

var html = `<div fadeout"="" style="margin:0px;" class="xyz">
                <img src="abc.jpg" alt="" />
                <p style="margin-bottom:10px;">
                    The event is celebrating its 50th anniversary K&ouml;&nbsp;
                    <a style="margin:0px;" href="">exhibition grounds in Cologne</a>.
                <p style="padding:0px;"></p>
                <p style="color:black;">
                    <strong>A festival for art lovers</strong>
  html.replace(/<([a-z][a-z0-9]*)(?:[^>]*?((?:\s(?:src|href|style)=['\"][^'\"]*['\"]){0,3}))[^>]‌​*?(\/?)>/, '')

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