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P5js Sketch Inside Wordpress Page

I'm trying to insert created canvas to the div element to the manually created page template in wordpress: template-custom.php

Solution 1:

There are two ways to do this. One is to write your sketch as a factory, like so:

var sketch = function(p) {
    p.setup = function () {
        varWIDTH = 500;
        varHEIGHT = 500;
        p.createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    /* The rest of your sketch goes here. */
    p.draw = function() {
        /* draw code here */
newp5(sketch, document.getElementById('createdCanvas'));

This was the way I had it in my first answer; the issue you had was due to a typo on my part--I didn't prepend the "p." before createCanvas. All p5 global functions will need this "p." if you use this method.

A tidier way of doing it is closer to the way you did it initially. I think you had it, except that you were loading your sketch in -- before the containing had rendered. Try this:


function setup() {
    var WIDTH = 500;
    var HEIGHT = 500;
    var myCanvas = createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);

The template should be the same either way--with the script tag below the containing :

<?php get_header('custom') ?><divid='createdCanvas'width='600px'height='600px'></div><scriptsrc="sketch.js"></script><?php get_footer() ?>

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