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How To Avoid Rerender All Child Components Which In Loop When Parent Component State Update

I m having one child component which is inside a loop of parent component. when one of the child components is updating the state of parent component, it is re-rendering the all ch

Solution 1:

for that you can use React.memo that will memoize your component if props remains the same. But given your code you need to make some extra changes:

  • you have to apply useCallback to memoize onChangeHandle function;

  • to memoize properly onChangeHandle you need to refactor it. you can't pass selectedChild directly, otherwise it memoizes its value. use setSelectedChild passing as argument a function that takes selectedChild instead.

  • your Child should receive isSelected as boolean value instead of function. otherwise props will remain the same and Child never updates;

    importReact, { useState, memo, useCallback } from"react";
    functionParent() {
      const [selectedChild, setSelectedChild] = useState([]);
      const onChangeHandle = useCallback((event, id) => {
        setSelectedChild(selectedChild => {
          const checked =;
          let updatedArray = [...selectedChild];
          if (checked) {
            if (!selectedChild.includes(id)) {
          } else {
            var index = updatedArray.indexOf(id);
            if (index !== -1) {
              updatedArray.splice(index, 1);
          return updatedArray;
      }, []);
      constdummy = id => {
        return selectedChild.includes(id);
      constrenderChildren = () =>
        [1, 2, 3].map((value, index) => {
          return (
      return (
    constChild = memo(({ index, value, handle, isSelected }) => {
      return (
        <tr><td><inputtype="checkbox"checked={isSelected}onChange={event => handle(event, index)}
            hello {index} {value}
    exportdefaultfunctionApp() {
      return (
        <divclassName="App"><Parent /></div>

Solution 2:

The basic answer is use React.memo on Child.

constChild = memo(functionChild(...) {...})

But to make memo work, the component needs to receive the same props if it shouldn't get rerendered. That means using useCallback on onChangeHandle:

const onChangeHandle = useCallback((event, id) => {...}, [])

But since onChangeHandle uses selectedChild that always changes on checkbox change, you'll also need to ref it using useRef:

const selectedChildRef = useRef();
selectedChildRef.current = selectedChild;

and use reffed version inside of onChangeHandle.

The last thing that needs to be done is to change isSelected prop from function to just a flag since it needs to be run on each checkbox change:


Solution 3:

You could implement shouldComponentUpdate (doc: inside the definition of Child to have more control over when it rerenders. But that's only meant for cases where you have performance issues- generally you don't have to worry about it, and letting them all rerender is standard.

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