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Ext.window.messagebox Draggable False, Error Calling Hide Method

After creating an instance of MessageBox like this var msgBox = Ext.create('Ext.window.MessageBox',{draggable: false}); -actually draggable false was set through an

Solution 1:

To avoid this error I'm overriding hide method on MessageBox class:

        Ext.define('Ext.window.MessageBox', {
            override: 'Ext.window.MessageBox',
            hide : function () {
                 * this is the default implementation of hide in minus MessageBox the commented line
                 * */var me = this;
                 * this is the implementation of hide in Ext.Component
                 * avoided callParent() because that would have called the overridden hide method
                me.showOnParentShow = false;
                if (!(me.rendered && !me.isVisible()) && me.fireEvent('beforehide', me) !== false) {
                    me.hidden = true;
                    if (me.rendered) {
                        me.onHide.apply(me, arguments);
                return me;

Update, this was the original override

    initComponent: function () {
        this.draggable = false;
        this.resizable = false;

I'm open to suggestions to avoid this override. Thanks.

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