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Ace Editor, How To Turn On Block Selection Without Having To Press Alt

Normally in ace-editor, to if you hold down the alt key, while making a selection, it will select it in block form which i think is called block selection. How do i make it so that

Solution 1:

It looks as simple as changing this line...

var alt = ev.altKey;

to this...

var alt = !ev.altKey;

Solution 2:

This can be done without altering ace.js by replacing the onMouseDown function stored in the editor's _eventRegistry.mousedown[1] with a wrapper that calls the same function with an inverted value for ev.altKey as follows.

editor._eventRegistry.mousedown[1] = (func => e => func({
  ...e, ...e.__proto__,
  getButton: () => e.getButton(),
  domEvent: { ...e.domEvent,
    altKey: !e.domEvent.altKey,
    shiftKey: e.domEvent.shiftKey,
    ctrlKey: e.domEvent.ctrlKey,

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