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Soap Web Services In Nativescript

I am new in nativescript app development, I want to use SOAP web services in nativescript, i.e how to implement SOAP request & response in nativescript. Please give me suggesti

Solution 1:

Well, their is no built in soap handling. However, you can make you own in a couple steps.

  1. NativeScript has built in http requests, and XMLHttpRequest and Fetch; this means you can query and receive back data you want from any service url.,,

    In addition, their is a third party plugin called nativescript-apiclient which makes it easier to deal with http requests with changing parameters. (i.e. http://somewhere/getdata/{token}/{data} where you can just pass in a token and data value...) See for different plugins available.

  2. NativeScript has a XML parser built in, Soap responses are typically XML based. So you can easily instantiate the xml engine to parse your soap requests (

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