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React Fetch Api Data To Component

I am trying to make an application from The movie data base api. I came across a small problem. I have two components. In first I use fetch and I use the map() function for the Car

Solution 1:

You need to pass the item object as a prop to the Card component like

{ =><Cardkey={}item={item} /> )}

and then access item from within the Card component like

constCard = (props) => {
  const {item} = props;


Solution 2:

This code should work.

The map in the ListApp as @Aakash suggested:

render() {
    var { isLoaded, items } = this.state;
    return (
        { => (<Cardkey={}item={item} />))};

An Card correctly referencing the item prop:

// Card.jsimportReactfrom'react';

constCard = (props) => {
    const { item } = props;
    return (
        <divclassName="movie-container"><imgsrc="{items.poster_path}"alt="NO PHOTO"className="movie-container__img" /><divclassName="movie-container__about"><spanclassName="movie-container__percent">{item.vote_average}</span><h2className="movie-container__title">{item.original_title}</h2><pclassName="movie-container__date">{item.release_date}</p><pclassName="movie-container__text">{item.overview}</p><ahref=""className="movie-container__more">MORE</a></div></div>


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