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Javascript Function Object Body

If in Javascript functions is objects(key/value pairs), can I think that function body stored in some property of function object?

Solution 1:

Yes, you could think of this that way. This was more formalized in the ES6 spec:

Function code is source text that is parsed to supply the value of the [[ECMAScriptCode]] and [[FormalParameters]] internal slots (see 9.2) of an ECMAScript function object.


ECMAScript function objects have the additional internal slots listed in Table 27


[[ECMAScriptCode]] Parse Node The root parse node of the source text that defines the function’s body.

An "internal slot" is basically like a property that cannot be accessed from user code, it cannot only be accessed by the runtime itself.

So yes, the function object has a reference to the (parsed) code of its body in some way.

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