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How To Format Decimal Using Jsrender Templates

i am using JsRender templates in my cshtml page. I have some decimal values in my data and want to show 2 numbers afer comma like 17,89 or 3,00. When i have 3 in my data it show on

Solution 1:

If rate is guaranteed to be a number, you can use JavaScript toFixed() like this:


If rate could be a string, you can coerce it to number, by writing


If you want to make a better separation of code and markup, you can define a converter:

  function(val) {
    return (+val).toFixed(2);

And then write:


You can even make the converter smart, and accept a places=n property, to configure the number of decimal places:

  function(val) {
    return (+val).toFixed(this.tagCtx.props.places || 2);

then optionally specify the number of decimal places:

{{dec:rate places=3}}

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