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Regexp For Numbers In The Thousands

I'm trying to grab post counts from a users on a forum. if (td[i].innerHTML.match('Posts: (\d+)')) { postCount = RegExp.$1; } It works, but if a number is in the thousands, it o

Solution 1:

I have never seen this way of using regular expressions. But this should do it:

/Posts: (\d+(?:,\d+)?)/

This wouldn't match 1,000,000 though, if you want to cover all cases, change ? to *:

/Posts: (\d+(?:,\d+)*)/

Solution 2:

More grist for the mill... if you want to test for numbers with thousands seperators excatly, you can do something like:

var matches = td[i].innerHTML.match(/\d{1,3}(,\d{3})*/);
postCount = matches? matches[0] : 0;

It may be better to use textContent/innerText than innerHTML since you might want to remove markup. A simple function can be:

functiongetText(el) {

  if (typeof el.textContent == 'string') {
    return el.textContent;

  } elseif (typeof el.innerText == 'string') {
    return el.innerText;

Solution 3:

This should do the trick:

Posts: (\d*,?\d+)

Edit: If you want to match 1,000,000 (like Felix Kling demonstrates), you need a repeating capturing group for the upper part:

Posts: ((?:\d+,)*\d+)

Solution 4:

If you want to capture the commas, just change your pattern to:

Posts: (\d+(,\d{3})*)

If you don't want the commas, you'll need an extra step. Someone help me out with the JS syntax, but I suppose it might be:

postCount = RegExp.$1.replace(/,/g, '')

Solution 5:

If they are using a comma number format such as 1,000,000,000 then the following regex should work nicely:

$posts = "Posts: 10,000,000";
$pat = "/Posts: (\d+(?:,\d{3})*)/";
preg_match($pat, $posts, $matches);
$post_count = $matches[1];

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