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Parse Url With Javascript Or Jquery

Ok lets say I have a URL (with or without the trailing slash). What I would like to do is strip from the url the domain and then break

Solution 1:

This should work

var url = '';
//get rid of the trailing / before doing a simple split on /var url_parts = url.replace(/\/\s*$/,'').split('/'); 
//since we do not need

Now url_parts will point to the array ["hello", "world", "20111020"].

Solution 2:

You can use the jQuery-URL-Parser plugin:

var file = $.url.attr("file"); 

In your case you'd probably want to use segment():

var segments = $.url('').segment(); 

// segments = ['folder','dir','example','index.html']

Solution 3:

     var url = document.createElement("a");
     url.href = incomingUrl;
    //url.hash  Returns the anchor portion of a URL//  Returns the hostname and port of a URL//url.hostname  Returns the hostname of a URL//url.href  Returns the entire URL//url.pathname  Returns the path name of a URL//url.port  Returns the port number the server uses for a URL//url.protocol  Returns the protocol of a URL//    Returns the query portion of a URLif(url.pathname && url.pathname != ""){
   var pathnameArray = url.pathname.split("/");



Solution 4:

I have created the following regular expression for URLs


It has been written for MySql - I am sure with a bit of fiddling you can get it you work for your needs.

BTW - I took the idea from an RFC - The number escapes me at this moment

Solution 5:

For parsing URLs, one different approach can be using anchor DOM object.

var a = document.createElement("A");
a.href = '';

a.protocol; // http:; //
a.hostname; //
a.port; // 8080 (in case of port 80 empty string returns)
a.pathname; // /path/to/resources
a.hash; // #named-anchor ?param1=val1&params2=val2

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