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Google Maps V3: Invalid Value For Constructor Parameter 0 While Drawing Polylines

I have a problem when constructing a polygon. The error message says something like: Invalid value for constructor parameter 0: (49.27862248020283, -122.79301448410035),(49.27796

Solution 1:

I was having the same problem. Don't know if its the best solution, probably not, but it worked for me.

The problem was that the Latlng weren't being recognized. So I recreated the array.

var lats = [];
var lat_size = steps[step].lat_lngs.length;

for (var t=0; t <lat_size; t++) {

lats.push(new google.maps.LatLng(steps[step].lat_lngs[t].lat(), steps[step].lat_lngs[t].lng()))
var polylineOptions = {
map: map,
path: lats

new google.maps.Polyline(polylineOptions);

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