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React+jest - Testing Async Components And Waiting For Mount

I'm trying to test a React component which has an async componentDidMount. The promise itself doesn't need to be mocked, it's not necessarily for accessing outer content, mostly ju

Solution 1:

I was facing the exact same problem. The problem is that the test won't wait for the promises to be fulfilled. My solution was to use the the done callback, provided by Jest, to signal that the test ended.

Like this:

it('wait async code before assert something', (doneCallback) => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Component />);

    setImmediate(() => {

Solution 2:

The weird behavior is probably because you used async for the componentDidMount implementation.

Currently, all React rendering process is synchronous, thus everything related to its rendering flow needs to be treated as synchronous. And it happens that currently too, the React team is developing a breaking change feature to allow async rendering.

But! Even after this feature is available, keep in mind that componentDidMountlifecycle hook will still be synchronous, and all the others hooks too, so it's important to be aware that React won't wait any Promise to resolve inside the hooks.

You can start a Promise inside the componentDidMount if it fits your use case, and let the resolved result change the state. But the lifecycle hook will finish before it resolves, this will affect your test case because the test will need to wait for that result of the resolved Promise to be processed before asserting it, you can use jest.runAllTicks() to guarantee this behavior.

Solution 3:

enzyme-async-helpers helped me a lot with this sort of problem. You could easily get it working by adding a loading state and then doing something like:

import * asReactfrom'react';
import { shallow, mount } from'enzyme';
import { waitForState } from'enzyme-async-helpers';

describe('<LargeSelector />', async () => {

  describe('search', async () => {
    it('should save initial response in cache', async () => {
      const wrapper = awaitshallow(<LargeSelectorquery={async (search) => ['search:' + search]} />);

      awaitwaitForState(wrapper, state => state.loading === false);

      expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty('options', ['search:']);
      expect(wrapper.state()).toHaveProperty('initialOptions', ['search:']);

And: this.setState({ initialOptions: results }) Would have to be updated to: this.setState({ initialOptions: results, loading: false })

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