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User Connected To Voice Channel?

I want to know is it possible to know if any member is connected to a specific voice channel in discord.js v12.2.0. I've been sticking in this question in recent days. Please tell

Solution 1:

I am not sure if you want to know if the member is connected to a VoiceChannel or listen to the voiceStateUpdate event so I'll cover both cases.

Checking if the member is connected to a VoiceChannel

const Guild = client.guilds.cache.get("GuildID"); // Getting the guild.
const Member = Guild.members.cache.get("UserID"); // Getting the member.

if ( { // Checking if the member is connected to a VoiceChannel.
    // The member is connected to a voice channel.
    console.log(`${Member.user.tag} is connected to ${}!`);
} else {
    // The member is not connected to a voice channel.
    console.log(`${Member.user.tag} is not connected.`);

Listening to the voiceStateUpdate event

client.on("voiceStateUpdate", (oldVoiceState, newVoiceState) => { // Listeing to the voiceStateUpdate event
    if ( { // The member connected to a channel.
        console.log(`${newVoiceState.member.user.tag} connected to ${}.`);
    } else if ( { // The member disconnected from a channel.
        console.log(`${oldVoiceState.member.user.tag} disconnected from ${}.`)

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