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Testing Debounced Function In React Component With Jest And Enzyme

I am testing a React component using Jest and Enzyme, and am having difficulty testing that a debounced function is called properly (or at all). I've simplified the component code

Solution 1:

NOTE: this answer also applies to lodash.throttle since it is just a wrapper of debounce.

Lodash's debounce is a monster and needs some special treatments in test because not only does it use setTimeout() but it also:

  • CallssetTimeout()recursively: This means calling jest.runAllTimers() to mock setTimeout will lead to infinite recursion error, since mocked setTimeout() executes synchronously until it runs out of task, which is not the case here.

  • UsesDateAPI: Jest v25 and below only mocks timer functions (e.g. setTimeout, setInterval) while debounce uses both setTimeout and Date so we need to mock both of them.

How you fix this problem depend on what version of jest you are using.

For jest version 25 and below:

Use another library to mock Date object. In this example I'll use advanceBy() from jest-date-mock


awaitact(async () => {
  advanceBy(DEBOUNCED_TIME + 1000) // forward Date
  jest.advanceTimersByTime(DEBOUNCED_TIME) // forward setTimeout's timer

Jest version 26:

Jest version 26 introduces modern mode for fake timers which mocks both Date and timer functions, it's an opt-in feature, so in order to use it you need to add jest.useFakeTimers('modern') before the test runs


awaitact(async () => {

Jest version 27+:

According to this PR, Jest v27 will use the modern implementation by default so we don't need to specify it explicitly.


awaitact(async () => {

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