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With The Bootstrap Table Plugin, How To Set A Search String On First Load?

With the Bootstrap Table plugin ( how to set a search string when the table is loaded for the first time? Exists only a 'data

Solution 1:

There isn't support for data attribute but only via JavaScript

    formatSearch: function () {
        return'search string';

Solution 2:

A better solution is this one:

var srch_str = 'your search string';
var bstable_first_load = true;
table.on('', function () {//when the table is loaded the first time and visible in the DOM, set the search string...if(srch_str.length > 0 && bstable_first_load){$('.fixed-table-toolbar').find('.search > :input').val(srch_str);bstable_first_load = false};

Solution 3:

I needed such a behavior too. My first attempts were to use bootstrapTable('resetSearch', 'my-query') with a fixed timeout; sadly this was yielding two requests (and additional reflows if the first query made it to the client) so it was sub-optimal.

After a while I found that the goal can be achieved modifying query params wisely (i.e. for the first request only):

var start_query = '20';

     queryParams: function(params){
            $('.bootstrap-table').find('.search input').val(start_query)
            params['search'] = start_query
            start_query = null
        return params

Interestingly the $input.val() call does not fire any additional callbacks so the code above uses only one query/request.

Please see a working demo here:

Edit: The preferred way to do implement such behavior probably should use searchText option; sadly it also issues two requests. I created an issue in bootstrap-table repo.

Edit 2: A patch for two-request behaviour of searchText has been merged into the development branch of the Bootstrap Table plugin and should be a part of the next release.

Solution 4:

This script allows you to filter data in the table on the first load

   const table = $('#tableId').DataTable();'what_you_looking_for').draw();

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