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Three Js - Can You Clone Animations Loaded From A Collada File?

I'm essentially asking the same question as the one found here - - Using three js I can import a collada scene with basic keyframe an

Solution 1:

Since this question was written a few years ago, the three.js animation system has been rewritten. You no longer need to "clone" animations, you can simply apply them to other objects using different mixers. Example:

var clip; // some THREE.AnimationClip instance.var mixer1 = new THREE.AnimationMixer( object1 );
var mixer2 = new THREE.AnimationMixer( object2 );

var action1 = mixer1.clipAction( clip );
var action2 = mixer2.clipAction( clip );;;

This isn't unique to COLLADA, it works for FBX, glTF, and any other formats that three.js supports animation for.

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