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Error 404 On Static Ressources Whith Parameters On Get Request

I'm doing a biomedical website with node.js and I encounter a problem: In my app.js (server file), I have these code app.get('/disease/:orphanetID', function(req, res) { var orphan

Solution 1:

Change your script path:


Solution 2:

To explain a lot more what's happening here, when you don't start your static resource URLs with a / or // or, then the browser makes those URLs relative to the URL of the page.

So, if the page URL is:

and you have a resource in the page that is specified as:


then the browser will request an URL from the server by combining the path of the page with the relative URL of the resource so you'd get a request for:

But, your server isn't expecting that. Your server is expecting:

So, to fix that you make your URL start with a /. That makes it relative ONLY to the domain of the page, not the path of the page and the browser will request the URL for the resource that you expected.

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