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Async Type Ahead Input Buffer Or Queue

I'm working on a type ahead input component and part of my implementation is a queue or buffer FIFO of cancelable promises. Because the typing can happen much faster than the async

Solution 1:

As your code immediately cancels any in-flight request before sending a new one, your queue will never contain more than one element. So it's useless to use a queue, a simple currentRequest field is enough to ensure you can handle only the most recent request, no matter in what order they are processed.

A common practice in type-ahead controls is to throttle the input events, i.e. wait a short amount of time for another change before actually sending an AJAX request. This avoids sending too many requests when users type several letters in a quick fashion.

Both of those problems can be abstracted from your code if you are willing to use reactive programming techniques, e.g. using RxJS

In fact somewhere down on the following RxJS page you will find an example that does exactly that: observing input changes, requiring at least 2 chars, debouncing, querying a webservice and then handling the results:

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