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Any Jquery Alert() Replacement For Javascript's Native One?

I would like to replace the native javascript alert() with my own, so that I would be able to control the theme and have it more JQueryUI look and feel. I've tried numerous alterna

Solution 1:

The native alert() brings the browser to a dead halt. You will not find any third party libraries that do that, because it's not possible.*


I threw together a quick demo of how you can use a single jQuery dialog instead of an alert.

var alertManager = (function() {
    var _queue = [],
        _opts = {
            modal: true,
            autoOpen: false,
            buttons: {
                OK: function ()
                    var next = _queue.shift();
                    if (typeof next === 'string')
        _dialog = $('<div id="alertDialog" title="Alert!"></div>').dialog(_opts),

        _self = {}; = function (message) {
        if (_dialog.dialog('isOpen')) {
        else {

    return _self;

$('#clicky').click(function ()
{'alert numero uno');'alert #2');{foo: 'bar'});'clicky'));'last one');

Hot demo action over here →

You could also turn this into a jQuery plugin pretty easily.

*though you could fake it with a while loop that spins while the dialog is open. I do not recommend this.

Solution 2:

I found a library a long time ago that solved this problem for alert, prompt, and confirm, it is pretty easy to use:

Demo here:

// Usage://      jAlert( message, [title, callback] )//      jConfirm( message, [title, callback] )//      jPrompt( message, [value, title, callback] )

download here:

Solution 3:

a jquery alert:

  JQuery.fn.alert = function(message) {

example of using:


oh my god :D

the jquery is only a DOM framework. this not an other javascript! jquery is only some javascript lines. and not replacing javascript.

if you want to create a dialog box then i can suggest you to search for jquery plugin.

Solution 4:

If you are looking also for alternative behavior you might wanna try:

it also alerts the user but does not lock the browser as "Matt Ball" said

Solution 5:

You can easily mimic the synchronicity of regular js alerts using jQueryUI Dialog boxes. Simply use the events provided -- in this case, close, which is called when you close a dialog box:

<div id="dialog" title="Dialog Title">Dialog</div>
<divid="dialog2"title="Dialog Title">Another dialog</div>
    close: function(event, ui) {

Now, when you close the first dialog, the second opens.

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