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Jquery: Using Appendto In Second To Last Row Of Table

I have a piece of the DOM that I'd like to insert into my page. Currently I'm just blindly using: $(myblob).appendTo(someotherblob); How do I do the same thing, but append myblob

Solution 1:

$('#mytable tr:last').before("<tr><td>new row</td></tr>")

Solution 2:

You can also select the row by index selector .

$('#mytable tr').eq(-1).before("<tr><td>new row</td></tr>")

Here eq is used to select the last row . eq is zero index and negative index starts from last. so i used -1 in index .

Solution 3:

Note that with before() the elements must already be inserted into the document (you can't insert an element before another if it's not in the page).

So you have to insert someotherblob first:

$('selector to insert someotherblob at')
       .find('table tr:last')

Solution 4:

  • I appreciate with answer given by orin which was this one.

  • I tried it and found that the required column literally shifted above the enitre table. It's because I do not use thead tag for the heading column. Once again I started digging for the answer and came up with my own solution.

  • So here it is: In my scenario it was required to show grand total of all the entries coming in every single number type column. It was not possible for me to make calculation unless all the rows are populated on the fly.


<trclass="gTotal"><thcolspan="4"class="head">Grand Total</th><th><?phpecho$grandTtlResumeSntCnt; ?></th><th><?phpecho$grandTtlEvalCnt; ?></th><th><?phpecho$grandTtlUniqEvalCnt; ?></th><th><?phpecho$grandTtlResCnt; ?></th><th><?phpecho$grandTtlUniqResCnt; ?></th></tr></table>



let me know if I answer your question.

Solution 5:

$('#mytable tr:last').prev().after("<tr><td>new row</td></tr>")

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