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Html5 Player With Autoload Not Working

I am using this html5 audio player I have problem with that. When i put there 'autoload' its not working and player

Solution 1:

I was trying to solve this issue since yesterday. Finally I have found that there is a bug in your audioPlayer plugin. I am not going to fix that, you can report on their plugin page.

The problem is when you add autoplay into your <audio> tag the browser starts playing the audio and also your plugin start the same. As a result you have played twice your track. You can fix this using the following method.

  1. Remove autoplay from your <audio> tag.
  2. Add $('.audioplayer-playpause').trigger('click'); after $( 'audio' ).audioPlayer();

P.S: The solution is only based on your audioPlayer plugin.

The final solution will be:

html5 code:

<audio preload="none" controls="" class="sppaudioplayer"id="spp-audio-player"><source src=""></source></audio>

javascript code:

$( function()
    $( 'audio' ).audioPlayer();

Working fiddle:

Solution 2:

 <audio autoplay preload="auto" controls="" class="sppaudioplayer"id="spp-audio-player">
 <source src=""></source>

Try with above code. This will work fine. JQuery is not required to initiate audio player. HTML5 will take care of that.

Solution 3:

Also, as per the plugin script, you can add the "loop" attribute as shown below, to avoid getting it played two times.

<audio autoplay preload="auto" loop="" controls="" class="sppaudioplayer"id="spp-audio-player">
 <source src=""></source>

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