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Show/hide Select Optgroup Options In Internet Explorer

I have an issue with showing/hiding optgroup options. I tried showing them in Chrome and Internet explorer but never got to a solution that would work on both environments

Solution 1:

display: none on option elements does not work consistently across browsers. Do not fight this behavior. A better solution is to .remove() the unwanted optgroup and .append() it back when necessary.

Solution 2:

Hi friend i wrote the code that is working in IE10..... please verify from your side and let me know if any issue....

<scripttype="text/javascript">if (navigator.appName.toString() == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
        var arrOptGroup = $('#state_code optgroup');
        var us = $(arrOptGroup[0]).detach();
        var ca = $(arrOptGroup[1]).detach();

    functionvalidateStates(value) {

        if (navigator.appName.toString() == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {                            
            if (value == 'US') {
                $('#state_code optgroup').remove();
            if (value == 'CA') {
                $('#state_code optgroup').remove();

        var $sel = $('select[name="state_code"]');
        if (value == 'US') {
            $('optgroup, optgroup > option', $sel).hide();
            $('optgroup[label="United States"]', $sel).children().andSelf().show();

            console.log('hello there!!');

        elseif (value == 'CA') {
            $('optgroup, optgroup > option', $sel).hide();
            $('optgroup[label="Canada"]', $sel).children().andSelf().show();
        else {
            $('optgroup, optgroup > option', $sel).hide();

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