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Angular Js Ng Repeat With Conditional Ng Class Not Applying Css Class

I have a ng repeat with a ng class that doesn't apply the css class in the case where my css class has a hyphen in the name:
  • Solution 1:

    For me, your code works as is.

    Here is a plunker that demonstrates the code.


    var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
    app.controller('Ctrl', function($scope) {
      $scope.items = [
        { Id: 1, name: "item1" },
        { Id: 10, name: "item1" },
        { Id: 11, name: "item1" }


    <htmlng-app="myApp"><head><scriptdata-require="angular.js@*"data-semver="1.2.4"src=""></script><linkhref="style.css" /><scriptsrc="script.js"></script></head><bodyng-controller="Ctrl"><h1>Hello Plunker!</h1><ul><ling-repeat="item in items"ng-class="{'i-someclass' : item.Id > 10}">
            {{item .name}}


    .i-someclass {
      color: red;
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