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Why Doesn't This Jquery Code Work?

I have this code in my application.js file, but it doesn't seem to work: $('#video_div img').click(function() { $('div.embed').toggle(); }); Here's the HTML my browser sees

Solution 1:

Is your code getting called? Do you need to do this?

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#video_div img").click(function() {

Solution 2:

It's working for me. Are you sure you have jQuery loaded. Make sure your jquery.js is placed just before the closing body tag </body>


Check working example at

You can also try your code like this if your want to keep your jquery.js in the header.

$(function() {
    $("#video_div img").click(function() {

Solution 3:

my guess is Flash error. try the same code but this time when u click the image then resize browser.

recently my firefox and chrome oftenly not render youtube's vdo(the vdo just white like nothing load) but after i resize browser's window its appear.

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