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Retain Cursor Position After Reloading The Page In Ckeditor

I am using CKEditor(4.1) in my project.I would like to retain the cursor position in editor after user reloading the page. CKEditor provides var bookmark = editor.selection.createB

Solution 1:

I found a workaround to resolve the problem. I won't say this is a direct solution.(I haven't check for IE)

Once I create bookmark, It will return JSON object as follows


And you can get the reference element by

var spanRef =  object.startNode.$;

And a custom attribute.

$(spanRef).attr('data-selection-bookmark','1')//here value '1' doesn't mean anything

And do the following thing in config.js

config.extraAllowedContent = "span[data-selection-bookmark]"

When you ask the editor content by using editor.getData(), It will return the following


The Next Half ( After Reload or Reinit)

var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor_textarea');
editor.on( 'contentDom', function(){
   var ifrWin = getIframeWindow(); //You need write a code to get iframe window of CKEditorvar range = document.createRange();

        var sel = ifrWin.getSelection();

        var doc = editor.document.$;

        var$span = $( doc.body ).find( 'span[data-selection-bookmark]' );

        range.selectNode( $span[ 0 ] );// To move the cursor before





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