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How To Read Post Url Request From Javascript In Php

I have form with inputs in html. Then I added this javascript (jquery) stroke to read and collect all value or data from form. var formData = $('#form').serialize(); When I conso

Solution 1:

Ok I will explain with example,

If you want to get url parameter values to you have to use,

<script>let my_variable='<?phpecho$_GET['url_param_name'];?>';

above for more help and understanding. Now you want to send form data to php for processing as I got your answer.

This is sample form.

<formid="my_form"name"my_form" method="POST"onsubmit="return send();">
  First name:<br><inputtype="text"name="first_name"value="Mickey"><br>
  Last name:<br><inputtype="text"name="last_name"value="Mouse"><br><br><inputtype="submit"value="Submit"></form>

To post above form I will use javascript function,

functionsend() {

        type: 'POST',
        url: './path/your_php_file_where_form_data_processed.php',
        success: function() {
           // do what you need to do on succeess
        error: function(x, e) {
            // forerror handling
            if (x.status == 0) {
                console.log('You are offline!! -  Please Check Your Network.');
            } elseif (x.status == 404) {
                console.log('Requested URL not found.');
            } elseif (x.status == 500) {
                console.log('Internal Server Error.');
            } elseif (e == 'parsererror') {
                console.log('Error. - Parsing JSON Request failed.');
            } elseif (e == 'timeout') {
                console.log('Request Time out.');
            } else {
                console.log('Unknown Error. - ' + x.responseText);

Now you need to check carefully your form element names. In php file. Let's look it.

<?php//include_once './../../classes/Database.php'; import if you have database configurations//session_start(); make sure to use sessions if your site using sessionsif(isset($_POST))
    var_dump($_POST); //this will echo your form inputed data.//if you want use one by one posted dataecho$_POST['first_name'];
    echo'Data not comes here';

Thought this might help your task.

Solution 2:

When you see the form elements as a query string, you're not making a POST request, but a GET request.

Change your Ajax code to:

    url: path, 
    type: "POST", 
    data: formData

What's changed:

  1. I've changed method: 'POST' to the correct attribute: type: 'POST', which will make the Ajax request to make a POST request instead of the default GET.
  2. Changed data: {formData: formData} to just data: formData. There's no need to post it as json when you've already serialized the data.

If you rather want to use $.post, then use:

$.post(path, formData);

Just to be clear, both the $.ajax and $.post-requests above will make identical requests.

Now, in your PHP-code, you can access the values like this:

$calcOwnership = $_POST['calc-ownership']; get the posted data.

I would recommend that you read the documentation about the methods you're using:

Solution 3:

I may have misunderstood your question, but in php you can take values from post using $_POST['variable_name'].

<?php$documents_count = $_POST['documents_count']

In fact this, in your url is not a query, are variables. sorry if it's not what you asked.

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