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How To Get The Selected Text Of Options In Multiple Select?

I am trying to get the selected option in multiple select, I can get the value in the form of an array, but I can't get the text of the option. On $(, I am getting

Solution 1:

Using .text() on a select will give the text of the control - i.e. all of the options, not just the selected ones.

To get the selected text (not value as you pointed out you can already get), you can use:


Here, $(this).find("option:checked") will give you the option elements that have been selected while the .map will return the .text() for each of those values into a jquery array, with .toArray() to convert to a normal js array.

$(function() {
  $('#sizeAddCategory').change(function() {
    var selected = $(this).find("option:checked").map((i,e)=>$(e).text()).toArray();
    console.log("selected", selected);
<scriptsrc=""></script><divclass="form-group col-sm-6"><labelfor="sel1">Select Sizes (hold ctrl or shift (or drag with the mouse) to select more than one):</label><br/><selectrequiredclass="form-control"id="sizeAddCategory"multiple><optionvalue="1">one</option><optionvalue="2">two</option><optionvalue="3">three</option><optionvalue="4">four</option></select></div><divclass="form-group col-md-3"><labelfor="name">Selected Sizes</label><br/><textarearequireddisabledrows="4"class="form-control"id="textAreaAddCategory"></textarea></div>

Solution 2:

It's because the target that you're defining is in the select tag. Instead of using:

$('#sizeAddCategory').change(function(e) {


$('.option-category').click(function(e) {

and add a class in the options:

<option value="{{$size->id}}" class="option-category">{{$size->name}}</option>

Solution 3:

you write :

var selected = $(;

you should get the value of selectbox and you should write

var selected = $(;

Solution 4:

oh my god i right now understand what did you mean ok

write :


    var x = $("option:checked").text();


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