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Get Wrong Result Function Jquery Javascript

I am using the following script. But I am receiving a wrong result for x_b_bbetrag. When do an calculation exp 100/108 I get 9.92 instead of 92.59. What am I missing here? Code b

Solution 1:

Use parseFloat multiplication, division and subtraction automatically parse string to number. for summation you need to parse it.

$("#x_b_bbetrag").val( ( (betrag * kurs) /(1 + parseFloat(msatz) ) ).toFixed(2));

///1 + "1" = 11 not 2

Solution 2:

The value of the msatz variable is not 0.08 but "0.08". It's a string, so when you add one to it, the number will be converted to a string so that they can be concatenated, and the result is "10.08" not 1.08. The string will implicitly be converted to a number when you use it in the division, as it's not possible to divide by a string.

Parse the string into a number:

var msatz = parseFloat($("input[name='x_b_mwst']:checked").val());

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