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How To Hide Multiple (thousands) Rows In The Html Table

I have html page with many rows (is about 40000)

Solution 1:

Probably the fastest way is to use a CSS rule, either by adding and removing a rule, or modifying one. Since the rows you wish to hide have a common name, you can use the equivalent of the following to hide the rows with a name of "1":

  display: none;

and remove the rule to show them. The following shows how to do that.

// Object to hold functions for adding and removeing style rules
var myStyles = (function() {

  // Use the first style sheet for convenience
  var sheet = document.styleSheets[0];

  // Delete a rule from sheet based on the selector
  function deleteRule(selector) {

    // Get rules
    var rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules; // Cover W3C and IE models

    // Search for rule and delete if found
    for (var i=0, iLen=rules.length; i<iLen; i++) {

      if (selector == rules[i].selectorText) {

  // Add a rule to sheet given a selector and CSS text
  function addRule(selector, text) {

    // First delete the rule if it exists

    // Then add it
    sheet.insertRule(selector + text);

  // Return object with methods
  return {
    'addRule': addRule,
    'deleteRule': deleteRule

// Convenience functions to hide and show rows
function hideRows(){
  myStyles.addRule('tr[name="1"]','{display: none}');
function showRows(){

Alternative behaviours for the addRule function if a rule with the selector already exists are:

  1. do nothing, or
  2. add the new CSS text to the existing rule

Some play HTML:

  <tr name="1"><td>name is 1
  <tr name="1"><td>name is 1
  <tr name="1"><td>name is 1
  <tr name="1"><td>name is 1
  <tr name="2"><td>name is 2
  <tr name="2"><td>name is 2
  <tr name="2"><td>name is 2
  <tr name="2"><td>name is 2

<button onclick="hideRows()">Hide rows named 1</button>
<button onclick="showRows()">Show rows named 1</button>

Clicking on the first button hides all rows with a name of "1" by adding a CSS rule, clicking the other button shows them by removing the rule.

Of course you can make it much more sophisticated, the above just shows the method.

Solution 2:

a table with 40000 rows is not the best for a webpage.... like pradipgarala say you should do it from server side.

or at list use "divs" to separate multiple tables with less rows..

<div id="table_1_1000">
    ...rows from 1 to 1000

like this you can show-hide only the divs you need... and the loop would be faster...

but still not the best solution....

Solution 3:

My first idea would be to do something like this:

var start = 20000; // hide 10k rows
var end = 30001; // rows from 20k to 30k
while(end!=start) {
    var x = 'r' + end;
    document.getElementById(x).style.display = "none";

Basically, I would use IDs instead going trough DOM Nodes, if possible. It's "cheaper".

Since performance is an issue, you should note that is faster to decrement than to increment.

Note: Since I don't have enough rep, I can't comment on pradipgaralas answer so I'll note it here... Can you do something like IF "request is to hide/show over 10k(or whatever number your benchmark show you) rows" SEND REQUEST TO SERVER ELSE DO YOUR THING ON CLIENT SIDE?

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row 1