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Extract Src Attribute From Script Tag And Parse According To Particular Matches

So, I have to determine page type in a proprietary CRM, using JavaScript. The only way to determine the page type (that is, the only consistent difference on the front end) is by e

Solution 1:

Well, you can start by collecting all of the script elements. With jQuery, that's as simple as

var scripts = $("script");

Then limit that set to the elements that have a src attribute:

var scripts = $("script[src]");

...and further limit it to those with a src attribute beginning with "/modules/":

var scripts = $("script[src^='/modules/']");

...which given your description should result in a set of exactly one element, from which you can now pull the src attribute value itself:

var path = $("script[src^='/modules/']").attr('src');

Ok, that was easy - now to extract the next part of the path. There are plenty of ways to do this, but split is quick & dumb: create an array of parts using '/' as the separator, then pick off the third element (which will be the one after "modules"):

var pathPart = $("script[src^='/modules/']").attr('src').split('/')[2];

Obviously, this is all very specific to the exact format of the script path you're using as an example, but it should give you a good idea of how to begin...

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