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Showing posts from December, 2022

Best Way To Find If A DOM Object Is Visible Or Not, Using Mootools

What is the best way to find if a DOM object is visible? Various cases when object is considered no… Read more Best Way To Find If A DOM Object Is Visible Or Not, Using Mootools

Unique Id For Dynamic Table

I will be generating a HTML table with data pulled from MySQL.The number of rows in my MySQL table … Read more Unique Id For Dynamic Table

Cannot Read Property 'someProperty' Of Undefined In React

I am working on an application where I pass variable values in a Navlink using state from one compo… Read more Cannot Read Property 'someProperty' Of Undefined In React

Very Basic JS Coding, And SoundManager2 Or Not?

I would like to include an audio/possible video player on my website with the following attributes:… Read more Very Basic JS Coding, And SoundManager2 Or Not?

How To Use Comparison Operator In Javascript For Two Input Values

I want to compare the two input values, just try in javascript, but it's not working fine. I&#… Read more How To Use Comparison Operator In Javascript For Two Input Values

How In Angular Material To Set Values ​of "Y" And "N" For Component Checkbox?

The database I use does not use boolean values true and false. How in Angular Material to set val… Read more How In Angular Material To Set Values ​of "Y" And "N" For Component Checkbox?

How To Change Content Of Div On Hover Using JQuery/Javascript

I'm trying to change the contents of a div when it's hovered over using JQuery. I've se… Read more How To Change Content Of Div On Hover Using JQuery/Javascript

Bootstrap Datepicker Multiple Formats

I am using Backbone.js with a Bootstrap Datepicker in my form. The brief was to allow the client to… Read more Bootstrap Datepicker Multiple Formats

How Do I Mimic Access Modifiers In JavaScript With The Prototype Library?

I've been working with the prototype library for some time now and occasionally find myself wis… Read more How Do I Mimic Access Modifiers In JavaScript With The Prototype Library?

Parsing Complex JSON Javascript

I am able to parse JSON that returns simple data, with JSON.parse but I am having trouble with data… Read more Parsing Complex JSON Javascript

Firebase Real Time Database Structure For File Upload

I am working on my first Firebase project using AngularFire2. Below is the overall design of my lea… Read more Firebase Real Time Database Structure For File Upload

How To Use Local File As Thumbnail In DiscordJS Embedded Message?

Is it possible to use a local file as a thumbnail for an embedded message with DiscordJs? 'thum… Read more How To Use Local File As Thumbnail In DiscordJS Embedded Message?

Update Template Using RouterLink In Angular2

I'm having problem with my template not being updated when I move to another store location. (e… Read more Update Template Using RouterLink In Angular2

Update Template Using RouterLink In Angular2

I'm having problem with my template not being updated when I move to another store location. (e… Read more Update Template Using RouterLink In Angular2

JQuery Plugin To Perform Date Manipulations

Am looking for a jQuery utility that will let me do date manipulations. eg: 1) Add x no. of days t… Read more JQuery Plugin To Perform Date Manipulations

Javascript Form Submition

I'm looking to refresh the the table 'dashboard_categories' when I click submit without… Read more Javascript Form Submition

JQuery/JavaScript - Performance-issue When Having A Lot Of Small .js-Files?

i've got a site with a lot of referenced .js-Files; those are rather small files, but I want to… Read more JQuery/JavaScript - Performance-issue When Having A Lot Of Small .js-Files?

D3 V4 .rangeBand() Equivalent

In D3 version 4.x, d3.scale.ordinal() has been changed to d3.scaleOrdinal and d3.rangeRoundBands ha… Read more D3 V4 .rangeBand() Equivalent

D3 V4 .rangeBand() Equivalent

In D3 version 4.x, d3.scale.ordinal() has been changed to d3.scaleOrdinal and d3.rangeRoundBands ha… Read more D3 V4 .rangeBand() Equivalent

React-router: TypeError: Cannot Set Property 'props' Of Undefined

I am trying to set up routing in Meteor using react-router package and have encountered the followi… Read more React-router: TypeError: Cannot Set Property 'props' Of Undefined

Set Form Hidden Value On Submit

I got a form, and I want to send hidden input by javascript, how to do it? F.ex: And when someone… Read more Set Form Hidden Value On Submit

Access MS CRM Web Services From External App/Javascript

Is there any way to call the MS CRM web service from JavaScript from a web page that is NOT a CRM w… Read more Access MS CRM Web Services From External App/Javascript

Angularjs Ng-repeat Creating Multiple Forms

Using ng-repeat I am creating bunch of forms with values in it. With each form there is also button… Read more Angularjs Ng-repeat Creating Multiple Forms