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VSCODE: No Debug Adapter, Can Not Send 'variables'"

I'm getting started with pupeteer and node and using vscode in win 10. I'm trying to log into a site and scrape a table. So far I have: (async () => { const browser = await pup

Solution 1:

I had this issue when trying to use the integratedConsole rather than integratedTerminal or externalTerminal as part of my Node configuration within launch.json:

Setting it back to:

"console": "integratedTerminal"

Fixed it. Only took an hour to figure out. See docs for more information.

Solution 2:

You can also try:

"outputCapture": "std"

in your launch.json

Here is reference on Github

Solution 3:

The reason this happens is that the debugger stops after the code execution ends. Then there is no more debug adapter available to send the variables. What I did is add an extra line on the bottom of the code execution, and set a breakpoint on that. It isn't pretty, but it works.

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