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Wrap/Break List Items In Two Ul

Trying to Wrap/Break list items and add class by replace text from list items, example below? Original Html:
  • &l

Solution 1:

Here's one solution, moving the LI's to new parents, based on the text in .label

var widget  = $('.widget-content'),
    ul      = widget.find('ul'),
    classes = ['left', 'right'];

ul.find('li').each(function() {
    var span   = $(this).find('.label');
    var text   = span.text();
    var parent = widget.find('[data-parent="'+text+'"]');
    if ( parent.length === 0 ) {
    	widget.append( $('<ul class="'+classes.shift()+'" data-parent="'+text+'" />').append(this) )
    } else {
.left  {color: green}
.right {color: blue}
<script src=""></script>
<div class="widget-content">
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>

        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>

Solution 2:

Following your code (same principle), this is another solution:

var $widget = $('.widget-content');
var elements = {};

$widget.find('li').each(function () {
  var key = $(this).find('span').text();
  // If key is not defined yet, we define an Array
  elements[key] = typeof elements[key] === 'undefined' ? [] : elements[key];
  // Adds the content of the <li>
}).parent().remove(); // Clears the <ul>

$.each(elements, function(index, values) {
  var $ul = $('<ul/>').addClass(index);
  $.each(values, function () {
 .textone {
   color: red;
 .texttwo {
   color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<div class="widget-content">
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>

        <li><span class="label">texttwo</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>
        <li><span class="label">textone</span> Test Content</li>

Solution 3:

jquery wrapAll() is another short & sweet way.

// get unique texts
var uniTxt = [];
  ( $.inArray(txt,uniTxt) > -1) ? null : uniTxt.push( txt ) ;

// rearrange items
$(uniTxt).each(function(index, className){
  .unwrap()                             // remove initial parent ul 
  .wrapAll('<ul class='+className+'>'); // wraps similar txt with a Ul & add class

See Demo

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