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React.js Constructor Called Twice

I a have post list and I am trying to call an action inside of constructor or componentDidMount for each post. But somehow when I send a new message constructor and componentDidMou

Solution 1:

React constructor is called twice in strict mode.

This is not a bug, but on purpose behavior to ensure that the constructor is pure.

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Solution 2:

Well, when your constructor and your componentDidMount function both fire twice you can be sure that the component in question is constructed twice somewhere.

Solution 3:

If you're not running StrictMode (if you are, see answer by papacool: it's by design), when the code in the constructor is run twice, you can be sure that the component is being created anew two times. This can happen of various reasons, the simplest reason is probably that the component is being used on multiple places:

<MyComponent />
<MyComponent />

Another reason could be that you have conditional rendering, meaning perhaps you're rendering based on a boolean, that changes:

{ myBoolean && <MyComponent /> }

If you toggle myBoolean two times, the constructor will be executed two times.

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